Educational Blog about Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management

Showing posts with label Plastic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plastic. Show all posts

Burn Fluid Resuscitation Formulas

Burn Fluid Resuscitation Formulas 1-Harkins formula (1942) Initial 24 hours: ➧ 1000 ml plasma/10% burn Used in patients with ≥ 10% burn. 2-Body weight burn budget (1947) Initial 24 hours: ➧ Ringer's lactate (RL) solution 1-4 L + 1200ml NS + 7.5% body weight colloid + 1.5-5 L D5W. Next 24 hours:  ➧ RL 1-4 L + 1200ml NS + 2.5%body weight colloid + 1.5-5 L D5W. 3-Evans formula (1952) Initial 24 hours: ➧ 0.9% saline at 1 ml/kg/%...