Educational Blog about Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management

Awareness during Anesthesia

Awareness during Anesthesia

Awareness during Anesthesia

Groups at risk for awareness:

Awareness is due to too light plane of anesthesia. It is more likely where muscle relaxants are used. They may be due to:

1-Inadequate anesthetic dose:

-Emergency surgery

-Hypotensive anesthesia

-Cardiac surgery

-Inability to monitor dose in TIVA

-Obstetric surgery

-Normal variability in MAC


-Hypermetabolic state




3-Equipment malfunction:

-Breathing circuits

-TIVA pump malfunction or line disconnection



-Recognize patients at risk

-Anesthesia machine pre-use check and knowing its mechanics & mechanisms

-Periodically check vaporizer level & provide adequate MAC levels

-Benzodiazepines at induction

-Use muscle relaxants ONLY when necessary

-Use of “BIS” monitoring in high-risk groups

-Be aware that some drugs may mask signs of awareness (e.g., β-blockers mask tachycardia)

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