Educational Blog about Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management

Showing posts with label Monitoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monitoring. Show all posts

Jugular Venous Oximetry

Jugular Venous Oximetry (JVO) -It provides insight into the metabolic and oxygenation state of the brain. -It provides information about the balance of oxygen supply and demand, for a larger portion, if not the complete brain. Indications: -During cardiopulmonary bypass -Neurosurgery -After traumatic brain injury.Figure 1: JVO Catheterization Technique Technique: -A...

Minimally Invasive and Non-invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring

Minimally Invasive and Non-invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring ➧ The concept of determining blood flow/time Cardiac Output (CO) by measuring the dilution of a ‘known substance’ in the blood (Fick’s principle) has been applied by pulmonary artery (PA) catheter using the thermodilution technique remains the ‘Gold standard’ approach of CO monitoring. However, it is not without risk. I. Esophageal Doppler U/S: Principle:  ➧ It measures...

Viscoelastic Measures of Coagulation

Viscoelastic Measures of Coagulation Introduction: ➧ Viscoelastic measures of coagulation originated and developed in the 1940s. ➧ TEG was developed and first described by Dr. Hellmut Hartert at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) in 1948. The first reported clinical application of the test occurred during the Vietnam War in an attempt to guide transfusions...

INVOS™: In Vivo Optical Spectroscopy

INVOS™: In Vivo Optical SpectroscopyOverview: ➧ INVOS™ system technology gives a noninvasive “window” to the body’s microvasculature; a direct and dynamic site of gas exchange that transports about half the body’s blood volume.  ➧ Measuring blood oxygenation in the microvasculature results in sensitive and site-specific insights on perfusion adequacy and multi-sensor...