Educational Blog about Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management

Showing posts with label Neuropsychiatric diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neuropsychiatric diseases. Show all posts

Anesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy

Anesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy

Anesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy


-The exact mechanism of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is unknown. Electrical stimuli (electroconvulsive shock) are usually administered until a therapeutic generalized seizure is induced (30–60 sec. in duration).

-A good therapeutic effect is generally not achieved until a total of 400–700 seizures have been induced, in several sessions, over 2-3 weeks. Progressive short memory loss often occurs with an increasing number of treatments.

Physiological Effects:

-Seizure activity is characteristically associated with an “initial parasympathetic” discharge characterized by bradycardia and increased secretions. Marked bradycardia (<30 beats/min.) and even transient asystole (up to 6s) are occasionally seen.

-This is followed by “sustained sympathetic” discharge. Hypertension and tachycardia that follow are typically sustained for several minutes.

-Transient autonomic imbalance can produce arrhythmias and T-wave abnormalities on the ECG. Cerebral blood flow and ICP, intragastric pressure, and intraocular pressure all transiently increase.


• Recent MI (<3 months)

• Recent stroke (usually <1 month)

• Intracranial mass or increased ICP from any cause

• More relative contraindications include:

- Angina

- Poorly controlled heart failure

- Significant pulmonary disease

-Bone fractures, Severe osteoporosis

- Pregnancy

- Glaucoma and retinal detachment.

Anesthetic Considerations:

-Amnesia is required only for the brief period (1–5 min) from when the NMB is given to when a therapeutic seizure has been successfully induced. The seizure itself usually results in a brief period of anterograde amnesia, somnolence, and often confusion. Consequently, only a short-acting induction agent is necessary.

-Increases in seizure threshold are often observed with each subsequent ECT.

-Most induction agents (Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, and Propofol) have anticonvulsant properties, small doses must be used. The seizure threshold is increased and seizure duration is decreased by all of these agents.

--Sodium pentothal (2–4 mg/kg) was the first induction agent used, it raises the seizure threshold and decreases its duration.

--Methohexital (0.5-1.0 mg/kg): has been the induction agent of choice (gold standard) because it has very little effect on seizure duration and has a rapid onset and recovery profile. Unfortunately, methohexital is no longer available.

--Benzodiazepines: raise the seizure threshold and decrease its duration.

--Propofol (1–1.5 mg/kg): but higher doses reduce seizure duration.

--Etomidate (0.15-0.6 mg/kg): lacks anticonvulsant properties, increases seizure duration, and prolongs recovery.

--Ketamine (1.5-2 mg/kg): lacks anticonvulsant properties, and increases seizure duration, but is generally not used because it also increases the incidence of delayed awakening, nausea, and ataxia and is also associated with hallucinations during emergence.

-Short-acting opioids: are not given alone because they do not consistently produce amnesia.

-Sevoflurane (5%–8% for induction, followed by 1–2 MAC): is the only inhalational agent in widespread use for induction in ECT, with comparable effects to intravenous (IV) agents. It is preferred for patients not cooperative with IV access. It has the advantage of attenuating uterine contractions following ECT and is used in the third trimester of pregnancy.

-Induction agents in the descending order of seizure duration after their use are:

[Etomidate > Ketamine > Methohexital > Sevoflurane > Thiopental > Propofol]

-Induction agents in descending order of seizure threshold reducing property are:

[Etomidate > Ketamine > Methohexital > Thiopental > Propofol]

-Neuromuscular blockade: required from the time of electrical stimulation until the end of the seizure. A short-acting agent, such as succinylcholine (0.25–0.5 mg/kg), is most often selected.

-Ventilation: Controlled “mask ventilation” (with a backup plan of LMA if concerned about effective ventilation), is required until spontaneous respirations resume. As ECT is usually administered 3-times a week, repeated intubations may lead to airway trauma and edema. Hyperventilation can increase seizure duration and is routinely employed in some centers.


-Routine monitoring should be as with the use of any other general anesthetic.

-Seizure activity is monitored by an unprocessed EEG. It can also be monitored in an isolated limb: a tourniquet is inflated around one arm before injection of succinylcholine, preventing entry of the NMB and allowing observation of convulsive motor activity in that arm.


-Rubber bite block: to avoid dental, tongue, and lips injury.

-Exaggerated parasympathetic effects: should be treated with atropine. In fact, premedication with glycopyrrolate is desirable both to prevent the profuse secretions associated with seizures and to attenuate bradycardia.

-Sympathetic manifestations: Nitroglycerin, Nifedipine, and α- and β-adrenergic blockers have all been employed successfully for control. High doses of β-adrenergic blockers (Esmolol, 200 mg), however, are reported to decrease seizure duration.

-Patients with pacemakers: may safely undergo ECT treatments, but a method to convert the pacemaker to a fixed mode, if necessary should be readily available.

Multiple Sclerosis

 Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

-Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common demyelinating neurological disease.

-The myelin surrounding an axon may develop normally and be lost later, but leaving the axon preserved. Alternatively, there may be some defect in the original formation of myelin as a result of an error in metabolism.

-Multiple sclerosis is thought to be autoimmune in nature. Susceptibility to MS may be genetically determined. Viral and immune factors are possibly involved.

-It is characterized by a combination of inflammation, demyelination, and axonal damage in the CNS. Disruption of the blood-brain barrier is an early event. Plaques of demyelination are scattered throughout the nervous system, usually in the optic nerve, brainstem, and spinal cord. The peripheral nerves are not involved.

Preoperative Findings:

1. The commonest presenting symptoms, in order of frequency, are limb weakness, visual disturbances, paresthesia, and incoordination. Legs are more commonly involved before the arms, with signs of spasticity and hyperreflexia. Urinary symptoms may occur.

2. Progression, with remissions and relapses, is very variable. Infection, trauma, and stress may be associated with relapses. A small increase in body temperature can cause a definite deterioration in neural function. The third trimester of pregnancy is associated with a 70% decrease in relapse rate, but this is followed by an increase of about 70% in the first 3 months postpartum. This may impair the ability of a mother to care for her baby.

3. Pain may be a prominent feature, occurring in 45% of patients.

4. Mild dementia and dysarthria may appear as the disease progresses.

5. In advanced disease, and sometimes earlier during acute relapses, respiratory complications may occur secondary to a variety of causes; they were, in decreasing order of importance, respiratory muscle weakness, bulbar weakness, and central control of breathing.

6. MRI now plays an important part in the diagnosis, and abnormalities in the white matter can be seen in 99% of cases. Gadolinium enhancement seems to reflect areas of inflammation where the blood-brain barrier has broken down.

7. Patients are treated with; baclofen, gabapentin, or beta interferon.

Anesthetic Problems:

1. Both experimentally and clinically, an increase in body temperature has been shown to cause a deterioration in nerve conduction and neurological signs.

2. Spinal anesthesia is associated with an increased incidence of neurological complications.

3. Epidural anesthesia in pregnant women with MS showed that there was no difference between those who had been given an epidural and those who had not. Temporary neurological deficits have, however, been reported. It was postulated that neurotoxicity might have resulted from the diffusion of the local anesthetic into the dural space. However, it has been suggested that concentrations of bupivacaine of not greater than 0.25% should be used since postpartum relapse has been reported with those above this.

4. Local anesthesia did not significantly increase the relapse rate. However, early disruption of the blood-brain barrier in MS means that local anesthetics can cross more readily, and toxicity is more likely to occur.

5. Neuromuscular blockers. Resistance to atracurium, in association with an abnormally high concentration of skeletal muscle acetylcholine receptors, has been reported in a patient with MS and spastic paraparesis.

6. There is an increased incidence of epilepsy in MS patients.

Anesthetic Management:

1. Elective surgery should not be undertaken in the presence of fever.

2. Spinal anesthesia should probably be avoided. If a regional block is required, epidural anesthesia is preferable.

3. The maximum dose of local anesthetic should be reduced below that normally recommended. Techniques that require large doses should be avoided.

4. It was suggested that IV gamma globulin immediately after delivery protects patients from relapse in the first 6 months postpartum.

5. Patients may require treatment for pain and spasticity.