Educational Blog about Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management

Ritchie Whistle

Ritchie WhistleRitchie WhistleThe Ritchie Whistle senses pressure that has become significantly reduced below 4 bar in the oxygen supply. It is designed to be used as an oxygen failure alarm on an anaesthetic machine where it is connected to the 4 bar oxygen circuitry. Low pressure causes the remaining gas to be directed through a whistle. This alarms momentarily every time...

Airway Blocks

Airway Blocks1-Superior laryngeal n. block:Block of the superior laryngeal nerve can provide anesthesia of the larynx from the epiglottis to the level of the vocal cords. This block may be appropriate for any patient requiring TI before anesthetic induction.Anatomy (Fig. 1):The superior laryngeal n. is a branch of the vagus n. After it leaves the main vagal trunk, it courses...

Awareness during Anesthesia

Awareness during Anesthesia Groups at risk for awareness: Awareness is due to too light plane of anesthesia. It is more likely where muscle relaxants are used. They may be due to: 1-Inadequate anesthetic dose: -Emergency surgery -Hypotensive anesthesia -Cardiac surgery -Inability to monitor dose in TIVA -Obstetric surgery -Normal variability in MAC 2-Resistance: -Hypermetabolic...

How to avoid ALI after Thoracic Surgery

How to avoid Acute Lung Injury (ALI) after Thoracic Surgery -Fortunately, Acute Lung Injury (ALI) occurs infrequently, with an incidence of 2.5 % of all lung resections combined, and an incidence of 8% after pneumonectomy. However, when it occurs, ALI is associated with a risk of mortality or major morbidity of about 40%. Causes of ALI: I. Ventilated Lung: 1-Hyperoxia: (Oxygen...

What is the meaning of Research?

 The word “research” originated from the old French word “researcher” meaning to search and search again.It literally implies repeating a search for something and implicitly assumes that the earlier search was not exhaustive and complete in the sense that there is still scope for improvement.Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge.It may be defined...

Steps of Systematic Research

 Systematic Research follows certain steps that are logical and in order.These steps are:1- Understanding the nature of the problem to be studied and identifying the related area of knowledge.2- Reviewing literature to understand how others have approached or dealt with the problem.3- Collecting data organized and controlled to arrive at valid decisions.4- Analyzing data...