Educational Blog about Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management

Awareness during Anesthesia

Awareness during Anesthesia

Awareness during Anesthesia

Groups at risk for awareness:

Awareness is due to too light plane of anesthesia. It is more likely where muscle relaxants are used. They may be due to:

1-Inadequate anesthetic dose:

-Emergency surgery

-Hypotensive anesthesia

-Cardiac surgery

-Inability to monitor dose in TIVA

-Obstetric surgery

-Normal variability in MAC


-Hypermetabolic state




3-Equipment malfunction:

-Breathing circuits

-TIVA pump malfunction or line disconnection



-Recognize patients at risk

-Anesthesia machine pre-use check and knowing its mechanics & mechanisms

-Periodically check vaporizer level & provide adequate MAC levels

-Benzodiazepines at induction

-Use muscle relaxants ONLY when necessary

-Use of “BIS” monitoring in high-risk groups

-Be aware that some drugs may mask signs of awareness (e.g., β-blockers mask tachycardia)

How to avoid ALI after Thoracic Surgery

How to avoid Acute Lung Injury (ALI) after Thoracic Surgery

-Fortunately, Acute Lung Injury (ALI) occurs infrequently, with an incidence of 2.5 % of all lung resections combined, and an incidence of 8% after pneumonectomy. However, when it occurs, ALI is associated with a risk of mortality or major morbidity of about 40%.


Causes of ALI:

I. Ventilated Lung:

1-Hyperoxia: (Oxygen toxicity, Reactive oxygen species)

2-Hyperperfusion: (Endothelial damage, Increased pulmonary vascular pressure)

3-Ventilatory Stress: (Volutrauma, Barotrauma, Atelectrauma)

II. Collapsed Lung:

1-OLV: (Ischemia/Reperfusion, Reexpansion, Cytokine release, Altered redox status)

2-Surgery: (Manipulation trauma, Lymphatic disruption)

III. Systemic:

-Cytokine release, Reactive oxygen species, Complement activation, Overhydration, Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy.

Prophylaxis against ALI:

A) Protective Lung Ventilation Strategies:

I. Lower Tidal Volumes (6–8 mL/kg):

-The use of lower tidal volumes may lead to lung derecruitment, atelectasis, and hypoxemia. Lung derecruitment may be avoided by the application of external PEEP and frequent recruitment maneuvers.

II. PEEP (5–10 cm H2O):

-Although PEEP may prevent alveolar collapse and development of atelectasis, it may cause a decrease in PaO2 due to diversion of blood flow away from the dependent, ventilated lung and an increase in the total shunt.

-Thus, PEEP must be customized to the underlying disease of each patient, and a new application of PEEP will rarely be the appropriate way to treat hypoxemia that occurs immediately after the onset of one-lung ventilation.

-Patients with obstructive pathology may develop intrinsic PEEP. In these patients, the application of external PEEP may lead to unpredictable levels of total PEEP.

III. Lower FiO2 (50-80%):

-Although the management of one-lung ventilation has long included the use of 100% oxygen, evidence of oxygen toxicity has accumulated both experimentally and clinically.

-Clinicians recommend titrating FiO2 to maintain the O2 saturation >90%, especially in patients who have undergone adjuvant therapy and are at risk of developing ALI.

IV. Lower Ventilatory Pressures:

-Plateau pressure <25 cm H2O; and peak airway pressure <35 cm H2O, through the use of pressure-controlled ventilation, may diminish the risk of barotrauma.

-The flow pattern results in a more homogenous distribution of the tidal volume and improved dead space ventilation.

V. Permissive Hypercapnia:

-Periodic ABG analysis is helpful to ensure adequate ventilation. End-tidal CO2 measurement may not be reliable due to increased dead space and an unpredictable gradient between the arterial and end-tidal CO2 partial pressure.

VI. At the end of the procedure:

-The operative lung is inflated gradually to a peak inspiratory pressure of less than 30 cm H2O to prevent disruption of the staple line.

-During reinflation of the operative lung, it may be helpful to clamp the lumen of the dependent lung, to limit over-distension.

B) IV Fluids:

-Restrict IV fluids in pulmonary resection to avoid lower lung syndrome (Gravity-dependent transudation of fluid).

What is the meaning of Research?


The word “research” originated from the old French word “researcher” meaning to search and search again.

It literally implies repeating a search for something and implicitly assumes that the earlier search was not exhaustive and complete in the sense that there is still scope for improvement.

Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge.

It may be defined as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic/area. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation.

The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English lays down the meaning of research as “a careful investigation or inquiry, especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”. Redman and Mory define research as “a systematized effort to gain new knowledge”. Some people consider research as a movement, a movement from known to unknown. It is actually a voyage of discovery.

Research is a scientific approach to answering a research question, solving a problem, or generating new knowledge through a systematic and orderly collection, organization, and analysis of information with the ultimate goal of making valuable research in decision-making.

Systematic research in any field of inquiry involves three basic operations:

1. Data collection: It refers to observing, measuring, and recording information.

2. Data Analysis: This refers to arranging and organizing the collected data so that we may be able to find out what their significance is and generalize about them.

3. Report writing: It is an inseparable part and a final outcome of a research study. Its purpose is to convey the information contained in it to the readers or audience.

Steps of Systematic Research


Systematic Research follows certain steps that are logical and in order.

These steps are:

1- Understanding the nature of the problem to be studied and identifying the related area of knowledge.

2- Reviewing literature to understand how others have approached or dealt with the problem.

3- Collecting data organized and controlled to arrive at valid decisions.

4- Analyzing data appropriate to the problem.

5- Drawing conclusions and making generalizations.

Characteristics of Research:

Research is a process through which we attempt to systematically and with the support of data to answer a question, resolve a problem, or gain a greater understanding of a phenomenon.

This process has eight distinct characteristics:


1. Originates with a question or problem.

2. Requires a clear articulation of a goal.

3. Follow a specific plan of procedure.

4. Usually divides the principal problem into more manageable sub-problems.

5. Is guided by the specific research problem, question, or hypothesis.

6. Accepts certain critical assumptions.

7. Requires the collection and interpretation of data in attempting to resolve the problem that

initiated the research.

8. Is by its nature, cyclical; or more exactly, helical.