Educational Blog about Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management

Tachycardia during Anesthesia

Tachycardia during Anesthesia Definition: -Pulse rate greater than 100 beats/min. in adults Causes and Management: 1-Light anesthesia, Pain: -Hypertension, sweating, lacrimation, reactive pupils, movement  Treatment: Deepening the anesthesia, Analgesia  2-Drug induced: -Anticholinergic drugs, Catecholamines, Oxytocin  3-Hypovolemia: -Actual...

Bradycardia during Anesthesia

Bradycardia during Anesthesia Definition:-Pulse rate less than 60 beats/min. in adults -Pulse rate less than 80 beats/min. in infants -Pulse rate less than 100 beats/min. in neonates Causes and Management: 1-Hypoxia:-Late response is bradycardia Treatment: -Of the cause, Oxygenation, Anticholinergics 2-Drug induced:-High-concentration volatile anesthetics, Opioids,...

Esophageal Achalasia

Esophageal Achalasia Definition: A chronic, progressive motor disorder of the esophagus associated with degenerative changes in the myenteric ganglia and vagal nuclei.Components: There are three components: 1-Failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to relax, with an increased resting sphincter pressure, which together results in a functional obstruction 2-Absence of...