Educational Blog about Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management

Evaluation of Morbid Obese Patient

Preoperative Anesthetic Evaluation of Morbid Obese PatientGoals: 1-Obtain data regarding the patient’s medical and surgical history. 2-Optimize current physiologic function. 3-Prepare an appropriate anesthetic plan. 1-Medications: ➧ The obese person must be assessed for the use of weight-reducing substances, herbal supplements, and anorexiant drugs. ➧ Chronic...

Anesthetic Management of Morbid Obese Patient

Anesthetic Management of Morbid Obese Patient Preoperative: A) Evaluation: Read more ☛ Preoperative Anesthetic Evaluation B) Preparation: 1-Equipments: ➧ New model operating room tables can accommodate up to 270 kg (600 pounds) of weight. ➧ Older model operating room tables could accommodate up to 135-160 kg (300 - 350 pounds) of weight. ➧ In cases of extreme morbid...

Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM)

Anesthetic Management of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM) ➧ It is a form of heart failure affecting females in their last months of pregnancy or early puerperium. ➧ The role of the anesthesiologist is important in the peri-operative and ICU. Diagnostic Criteria for PPCM: ➧ Development of heart failure within the last month of pregnancy or 6 months postpartum. ➧...