Thyroid Storm
➧ Acute life-threatening exacerbation of thyrotoxicosis
Precipitating factors:
➧ Withdrawal of antithyroid drugs
➧ Severe infection
➧ Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
➧ Cerebro-vascular accident (CVA)
➧ Cardiac failure
➧ Surgery
➧ Trauma
➧ Radioiodine
➧ Drug reaction
➧ Iodinated contrast medium
Clinical picture:
➧ Patient with Graves disease who has discontinued antithyroid medication OR is previously...
- Airway
- Anesthesia machine
- Anesthetic drugs
- CNS diseases
- Complications in anesthesia
- Congenital cardiovascular diseases
- Endocine Emergencies
- Fluid & Electrolyte disturbances
- GIT diseases
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Infections
- Monitoring
- Neuropsychiatric diseases
- Nutritional
- Obstetric anesthesia
- Ophthalmic anesthesia
- Otorhinolaryngology
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- Plastic
- Regional anesthesia
- Renal diseases
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- Skin & Musculoskeletal diseases
- Thoracic surgery
Myxedema Coma
By Author October 01, 2019

Myxedema Coma
➧ The end-stage of untreated or insufficiently treated hypothyroidism.
Pathogenesis of Myxedema: (Figure 1)
Figure 1: Pathogenesis of Myxedema Coma
Precipitating factors:
➧ Myocardial infarction
➧ Infection (UTI, Pneumonia)
➧ Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
➧ Acute trauma
➧ Administration of sedative, narcotic, or potent diuretics
Acute Adrenal Insufficiency
By Author October 01, 2019
Acute Adrenal Insufficiency
➧ Usually presents as an acute process in a patient with underlying chronic adrenal insufficiency
➧ Causes of Primary adrenal insufficiency:
- Auto-immune
- TB of adrenals
- Metastatic malignancy to adrenals
➧ Causes of Secondary or Tertiary adrenal insufficiency
- Pituitary or hypothalamic disease
➧ Acute destruction of the adrenals...
Pituitary Apoplexy
By Author October 01, 2019

Pituitary ApoplexyClinical Setting:
➧ Hemorrhagic infarction of a pituitary adenoma/tumor.
➧ Sudden crisis in a patient with a known or previously unknown pituitary tumor.
➧ It may occur in a normal gland during and after childbirth, with head trauma, or in a patient on anticoagulation therapy.
➧ Sheehan’s Syndrome:
-Refers to pituitary apoplexy of the...
Pheochromocytoma Crisis
By Author October 01, 2019

Pheochromocytoma Crisis
➧ The action of unopposed high circulating levels of catecholamines
- α - receptors: Pressor response
- β - receptors: positive ino- and chrono-topic
Precipitating factors:
➧ Spontaneous
➧ Hemorrhage into pheochromocytoma
➧ Exercise
➧ Pressure on the abdomen
➧ Urination
➧ Drugs: glucagon, naloxone, metoclopramide,...
Burn Fluid Resuscitation Formulas
By Author August 02, 2019
Burn Fluid Resuscitation Formulas
1-Harkins formula (1942)
Initial 24 hours:
➧ 1000 ml plasma/10% burn Used in patients with ≥ 10% burn.
2-Body weight burn budget (1947)
Initial 24 hours:
➧ Ringer's lactate (RL) solution 1-4 L + 1200ml NS + 7.5% body weight colloid + 1.5-5 L D5W.
Next 24 hours:
➧ RL 1-4 L + 1200ml NS + 2.5%body weight colloid + 1.5-5 L D5W.
3-Evans formula (1952)
Initial 24 hours:
➧ 0.9% saline at 1 ml/kg/%...
Ropivacaine (Naropin®)
By Author August 01, 2019

Ropivacaine (Naropin®)➧ Ropivacaine is a long-acting amide local anesthetic (LA) drug. The name ropivacaine refers to both the racemic mixture and the marketed S-enantiomer.
➧ It produces effects similar to other LAs via reversible inhibition of sodium ion influx in nerve fibers.Advantages:
➧ Ropivacaine is less lipophilic than bupivacaine and is less likely to penetrate...
Down's Syndrome
By Author July 31, 2019

Anesthetic Management of Down's Syndrome➧ This well-known syndrome, with characteristic morphological features and mental retardation, results from the chromosomal abnormality, trisomy 21.
➧ Anesthetic risk is increased in these children. Indeed, the mortality is increased at any stage of life, but improved medical and nursing care means that many more individuals...
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